Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams (1902-1984), an environmentalist that captures the landscapes of U.S. The photos that I admire the most are the one from the Yosemite National Park collection. After some research I see that those are the ones that have been widely reproduced. I love that the lack of colours in his photographs makes them look even more dramatic and whether the photos are trying to express a positive or negative emotions could be based on each individuals interpretations. Adams was a cofounder of this group named 
Group f/64’ which contains various San Francisco photographers that shares a common photographic style that are known for their sharp-focused photographs. They wanted to promote a new modernist aesthetics at that point of time. They would then exhibit their photographs in a gallery. I think that this is one good way of working as photographers could interact and gain knowledges. Which is what I feel that till today this is what both professional photographers and amateur like me could do as well.